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War of the Cops
Vojna policajtov

Director(s): Rudolf BiermannSK, CZ150 min.2024
60%(one rating)
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesSlovak (orig.)
Black and white / colourcolor

David vs. Goliath. That's probably how you could describe the fight led by Captain Miky Miko, a reclusive police operative who skillfully navigates the edge of the law in the wild atmosphere of the eastern Slovak underworld in the early 1990s. Local mafia gangs covered by secret agreements with the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS), businessmen and local police generously rewarded for turning a blind eye to crimes live side by side in a fragile symbiosis. Mika does not trust anyone so that no one can betray him, but when he is assigned a "disobedient" partner Igor Molnár, he discovers that they are similar in many ways. Both are part of the mechanism they want to change because they are tired of catching criminals who, even with incriminating evidence, will be released the next day. However, the reaction of the compromised system does not take long and a series of tragic events is triggered. They say revenge is the best motivation, even if losing can sometimes mean certain death. IMDb trailer
Projection of War of the Cops at JUNE FILM FEST 2024
Slovak and Czech Choice
7. Jun
Film was already screened
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change