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Sex O'Clock II. season
Sex O'Clock II. séria

Director(s): Jan Bártek, Karolína ZalabákováCZ, SK39 min.2024
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
Black and white / colourcolor

In the second season of the popular comedy series, everything is focused on the most stressful time of the year, around Christmas and New Year. It will be even more complicated days for the Anensky family, as they have to deal with the roof over their heads and unexpectedly find themselves in a very small space, which is a breeding ground for big problems. The well-known main characters (Jan Révai, Jana Švandová, Maxmilián Kocek, Csongor Kassai) will be joined by four new characters who will play a significant role in the fates of the main and supporting characters.

Projection of Sex O'Clock II. season at JUNE FILM FEST 2024
What´s New About the Serial?
7. Jun
Film block: What about series? II. B
Film was already screened
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change