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The Beast
La Bête

Director(s): Bertrand BonelloFR, CA146 min.2023
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesEnglish, French (orig.)
SubtitlesSlovak, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

The plot is set partly in a near future in which artificial intelligence is in control of everyone's lives and human emotions are perceived as a threat. To get rid of them, Gabrielle must purify her DNA by going back to her past lives. There, she reunites with Louis, her great love. However, she is overcome by fear, a premonition that a disaster is coming. IMDb trailer
Projection of The Beast at JUNE FILM FEST 2024
Parallax View
8. Jun
Film was already screened
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change